urgent adj. 1.紧急的,迫切的。 2.催促的,硬要的,极力主张的,纠缠不休的。 an urgent telegram 急电。 be in urgent need of (help) 急需(援助)。 on urgent business 因急务。 an urgent motion 紧急动议。 He was urgent with me for [to disclose] further particulars. 他硬要我说得更详细点。 adv. -ly
An urgent call for the formation of modern personality 构建现代人格的呐喊
Urgent call from the battalion bunker , sir 营部的急电,长官
Urgent call for your support 世界自然基金会紧急呼吁各界支持
Urgent call , the thorid consulate 紧急呼叫,索里德星领事馆
Excuse me , mr . smith , there is an urgent call from holland . can you take it please ? it ' s mr . wang 对不起,史密斯先生。有你的从荷兰来的紧急电话,能接吗?是王先生打来的
Wwf strongly opposes to conversion of kalimantan forest to the world s largest oil palm plantation urgent call for your support 世界自然基金会强烈反对将印尼加里曼丹森林改辟为全球最大油棕oil palm植林场
I realized that sometimes when rinpoche used the hand phone during pujas , he was actually answering to urgent calls like mine 我了解到有时候当仁波切在法会中用电话,他事实上正在解决著某些像我一样的紧急事件。
Bill : i ' m a tow - truck driver . i got an urgent call . there ' s a girl with a silver car who needs my help . i ' m sorry i have to go 比尔:我是个拖车司机。我收到个紧急召唤,有位驾银色车的女子需要我帮忙,对不起,我得走了。
This special squad is available 24 hours a day to respond to any urgent calls and it will arrive at the scene in 30 to 45 minutes after a call out 部队全日24小时侯命应急,在接到动员召集后,会于30至45分钟内抵达现场,协助救援
Upon hearing news of the disaster , supreme master ching hai made an urgent call for volunteers to go to the state to assist in local flood relief efforts , and generously contributed us 20 , 000 to fund this humanitarian mission 听到了这个消息,清海无上师立即紧急安排一些志愿者前往北卡罗来纳州协助洪水救灾工作,并慷慨捐赠两万元美金救灾。